Hello [fname]
My name is Siegfried, everyone calls me Ziggy :)
I'm a Home Busi/ness Navigator here in Chicago, Illinois.
Recently you requested information about starting your own
home based busi/ness and I'd be happy to help you with your
I fired my boss 30 years ago and have been self-employed
ever since. There is nothing more rewarding than putting on
your bunny slippers, grabbing a cup of coffee and traveling to
the "next room" to "go to work" :)
I'm well-schooled on a vast majority of available oppor-tunities
and programs out there and which ones are good and which
ones are not.
One program in particular has crashed through the crowd and
has become the number one home-based busi-ness around.
We simply share info about a service that everyone needs and
everyone can afford, costs less than 10 bux a month and is
available to everyone worldwide with mass appeal.
The most often asked question I get about this program is, "Can
you really make a good living with a 10 buck a month biz"?
and the answer is YES....100X over, I'm talking quit your job if
you want to big.
I've arranged a quick tour for you - Just tap your cre-dits lin/k now!
Please take a quiet moment and check this out. You may just
discover that your search is over!
That being said, if you have any questions about this or any other
programs or mar-keting methods or need help at any time, I am
here for YOU. You can reach me here or you can call me at:
773-451-9500, if you miss me, leave the best time to call you back.
I look forward to helping you reach your goals and I'm so proud of
you for recognizing that "Hey, I need something else in this crazy
new economy" and doing something about it!
To your success always from this day forward,
Siegfried Strauch (Ziggy) :)
Home Busi-ness Navigator
Since 1983
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