How To Make Long Term Passive Income Without Sponsoring?
For every $98.00 unit you purchase Local City Deals & Partners
will double your money on each unit your first month! Not only
do they double your money but you continue to get residual
income on the long road for the life of your merchants in the
No products or services to buy, no AUTO Ships, no recurring charges,
and NO SELLING are just a few of the huge benefits of the LOCAL City
Partner program.
To learn more about it please review the short video below.
Once this program closes your residual income will still continue because
you now have merchants that are paying you each and every month.
It is a very brilliant plan in my opinion!
If you have any questions please feel free to call Ron Fouts at the company at
415-812-2576 or
If you want to join then you will need to contact Ron as he will email you all the
paperwork you need to get started.
Make sure you tell him Barry Washinsky referred you and how many units
you want to purchase!
This is not a high risk hyip where you earn a % per day on your deposit.
These companies that are here today....gone tomorrow! This is based on
a real business where they are bringing in merchants that will literally pay
you every month well past when this offer closes! It offers an amazing
residual income to everyone involved! It is similar to groupon that advertises
for merchants. So, you are actually getting a residual income based on a very
real business and this can all be done totally passively!
Please don't delay if you are interested as this is a limited time offer that could
pay you with long term residual income then call or e-mail Ron!
Warm regards
Barry Washinsky
P.S. I doubt you will find an easier program in today's landscape of having to buy over priced products that come and go. HINT: Groupon did over $1 Billion last year in 2023 so that gives you an idea HOW BIG the DEAL Marketplace is moving forward. And they are NOT even a great proposition for the Merchant. We EASILY supercharge a Groupon Merchant with our eyes closed. 🔥
P.P.S. Many of you have heard at some point we will stop taking on NEW Partners. We have a goal of 25,000+ Merchants over the next 6 to 10 months. After that, the program will most likely not be available for NEW Partners. Though everyone who is active could enjoy residual income for many years to come.
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