Hello [fname] and Welcome
Sokule Advertising Powerhouse Owned by Jane Mark and Developed by Phil Basten
Let me guess, you are wanting to ramp up online advertising for your pet shop, start an internet business,
build a blog, or find out how to build a Log Cabin. No matter what it is you intend to do online
Sokule allows you to mail up to 1.5M people twice daily, and that is powerful.
Kind Regards
Bob The Sokule Guy Welcome
Bob Welcome Recommends Sokule
Remember you can post to 1.5M twice daily at Sokule..
Downunder Murmurs
Wally- Hey Morton do ya think we should av a go at this Sokule site ol mate.
Morton- If ya still got some cash left from your FrontPage Mail Frontpageposition sales it might be a good idea mate.
Wally- Lets get together then and plan our attack mate.. I heard people say that the Sokule Advertising Powerhouse is the way ta go mate.
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