Frequently Asked Questions

What is WalkAwayMailer?

WalkAwayMailer is a large auto mail system where you can set up 5 emails with 3 different subject lines for each and check a box that says AutoMail and we take over from there. We send your emails out to over 94,000 active members every 2 days. We like to make your life easy. WalkAwayMailer is AutoMailer easy.

Can I join Walk Away Mailer Free?

Yes you can join the site free and promote it and put text ads and banner ads and earn commissions as a free member but you will not have access to the 94,000 plus member mailer. Only Platinum members can mail to 94,000 plus members.

What is the AutoMailer at WalkAwayMailer?

The AutoMailer is a one of kind mailer. To the best of our knowledge nothing likes it exists on the net. You can set up 5 different ads with 3 subject lines and choose the ad you want to send out. That email will go out over 6 days and every 2 days a different subject line will attach to the ad copy. This gives you a great way to test what subject lines are working best for you and the really nifty part is that you don't have to log into the site for 6 days . We auto mail your ad for you. Just Set it and Forget it.

How many paid membership levels does WalkAwayMailer have?

There are 3 paid membership levels. The levels are Free, Gold and Platinum. You can read all about each level here

What Makes WalkAwayMailer Unique?

WalkAwayMailer or WAM as we call it is a very large mailer and a very flexible mailer. If you are a Platinum level Member which is also our founder membership you can auto mail the WAM mailer or mail to it manually or do both. We designed it the mailer to meet your needs and you can use it the ways it works best for you.

What payment processors do you accept for upgrades?

We take all of the major credits cards and if you want to pay another way contact us at support desk.

How do you pay your commissions?

We pay commissions by regular check or online check. Your choice. If you need a different way to get paid, please contact us through support and we will arrange something with you.

How often do you pay commissions?

We pay commissions monthly. A commission must age for 30 days from purchase and then the commission will get paid at the end of the following month.

Do you have training?

Yes we train you on every aspect of the site and you will find that training tape in the members area of WAM once we launch and do a live webinar on it

Who are the owners of WalkAwayMailer?

Jane Mark and Phil Basten of JAM Marketing Inc are the owners of the WAM mailer. They have been developing advertising sites for online businesses for the past 20 years. You can check out their main site here:

Once I set up my auto mail section can I change and edit the ads?

Yes, you can change, edit or add new ads s to the automail section any time you like. You can also use the manual mailer if auto mailing is not for you. These are 2 separate Mailes. So one week you might use the Auto Mailer and the next week the manual mailer. This is all within your control as long as you are not using both members at once.

Once I set up my auto mail section can I change and edit the ads?

Yes, you can change, edit or add new ads to the AutoMall section any time you like. You can also use the manual mailer if auto mailing is not for you. These are 2 separate Mailes. So, one week you might use the Auto Mailer and the next week the manual mailer. This is all within your control as long as you are not using both members at once.

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